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  • How dangerous is Q*? - OpenAI chaos possibly triggered by this risky AI.

How dangerous is Q*? - OpenAI chaos possibly triggered by this risky AI.

Vote your AI GOAT of this week.

Dear AI Enthusiasts!

Today is AI Secret's Saturday Sepical. In this edition, we will determine the most favored AI tools this week and publicize the rankings in tomorrow's Sunday Summary. All are welcome to take part in voting.

We have noticed that OpenAI is covertly advancing an AI technology capable of revolutionizing human existence. While proof is yet to show that AI poses a potential danger to humankind, there's no denying that AI has started to profoundly disrupt our conventional careers and part-time jobs.

Today’s AI Secret:

  • How dangerous is Q*? - OpenAI chaos possibly triggered by this risky AI.

  • 💸Sponsor Letter: MyMap Free Mindmap Tool visualizes Ideas for Learners & Professionals.

  • 🙋Secret Poll: Who is the GOAT of week? Come and Vote!

  • 🧁Secret Outlook : Building a Blog Utilising AI for a Simple AI Side Hustle.

  • Adobe has reportedly acquired Bengaluru-based Rephra.ai.

  • Startups should consider hiring fractional AI officers.

  • OpenAI And Microsoft Sued By Nonfiction Writers For Alleged ‘Rampant Theft’ Of Authors’ Works.

Read Time: 3-5 minutes

Today's Headline

How dangerous is Q*? - OpenAI chaos possibly triggered by this risky AI.

AI Secret: Sources releated the cause of OpenAI's internal conflict is a significant AI Tech breakthrough known as "Q*".

Q*, a new model under development, could reportedly be a significant breakthrough in the quest for artificial general intelligence (AGI). AGI refers to autonomous systems capable of outperforming humans at most economically valuable tasks.

🚀Why is Q* considered a 'humanity-threatening' AI?:

  • Q* is named after the Q-Learning and Q* algorithms of the Maryland Rebuttal Proof Program System (MRPPS).

  • The MRPPS may assist OpenAI in creating an AI with enhanced comprehension beyond text cues.

  • Q-Learning lets AI learn and adjust without humans. 

  • Q* signifies the top state in Q-Learning, where the AI recognizes optimal actions for maximum rewards.

This progress triggers ethical, safety, and privacy issues. Advanced AI could cause undesired outcomes if it doesn't align with human morals.


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Who is the GOAT of this week?

The listing below showcases the top 10 AI Tools most trialed this week, as suggested by AI Secret. We'll tally votes for the next 10 hours. Final Rankings announced in tomorrow's Email.

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Secret Outlook

Building a Blog Utilising AI for a Simple AI Side Hustle.

AI Secret: A variety of side hustles involving AI are readily available, and starting them doesn't necessarily require any upfront capital.

  • Domain Identity: The name of your website (for instance, aisecret.us).

  • Web residence: A server for your website, numerous hosting services provide free domain identities.

  • Authoring abilities: Flot AI can generate text on any application or website.

  • Sketching Instruments: ChatGPT can be employed to morph text into images.

Prompt to GPT: A futuristic version of a [insert brand name] car

I've previously discussed how you can build your blog without any programming knowledge or the necessity to engage a coder, owing to the AI tech’s progress.


Bengaluru-based start-up Rephrase, known for its use of AI in creating video content, is integrating its staff to Adobe after the latter purchased the company. Last year, Rephrase raised $10.6m in funding and participated in a popular ad campaign, using AI-enhanced footage. Prior to buying Rephrase, Adobe has invested in generative AI and launched AI-powered tools on its platforms. Adobe aims to extend its video capabilities and deliver more value to its customers through this deal.


The AI skills gap is increasing, creating a demand for a Chief AI Officer (CAIO) in large companies. However, startups may lack resources for such a role and can benefit from hiring a fractional AI officer - an experienced executive shared among multiple clients. Generative AI, a rising technology, can greatly benefit companies. Its adoption is anticipated to increase workflow efficiency and productivity first, then enhance customer experience by personalized digital features, but calculating early adoption ROI is challenging due to its novelty and spending conservatism in companies.


OpenAI and Microsoft are facing a class action lawsuit for allegedly training AI chatbot ChatGPT on copyrighted materials without permission. The lawsuit was filed by bestselling author Julian Sancton, who confirms the ChatGPT used his book as part of its training dataset. Other authors maintain they weren't reproached or compensated for the use of their works. This comes amid OpenAI's internal strife, threatening employee departures and potential investor lawsuits against the board. This follows similar copyright infringement lawsuits against OpenAI. Both companies assert that the content generated by ChatGPT doesn't equate to a copyright violation.

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