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  • Sam Altman seeks $7 trillion for AI ambition.

Sam Altman seeks $7 trillion for AI ambition.

AI Love Story: Welcome to the Cyber Age!

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Today’s AI Secret:

  • Daily trending & featured AIs.

  • Sam Altman seeks $7 trillion for AI ambition.

  • AI Love Story: Welcome to the Cyber Age!

  • World's potential third-largest copper mine is AI-powered in Zambia.

  • More AI quick heats.

Read Time: 3-5 minutes


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Sam Altman seeks $7 trillion for AI ambition.

Imaged: DALL·E 3

In a bold move that underscores the rapidly evolving landscape of the AI industry, Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, is setting his sights on a monumental challenge: to disrupt Nvidia's stronghold on the AI chip market.

With a visionary project that seeks an unprecedented investment in the range of $5 to $7 trillion, Altman aims to revolutionize the global semiconductor industry, addressing the critical supply-demand imbalance that currently hampers the growth of AI technologies.

The Details:

  • Massive Investment Initiative: Altman's strategy involves mobilizing a staggering amount of capital to fund a comprehensive overhaul of the semiconductor sector, aiming to expand global chip production capabilities to meet the soaring demands of the AI industry.

  • Strategic Partnerships and Global Reach: In pursuit of this ambitious goal, Altman is engaging with a diverse array of investors, including sovereign entities like the government of the United Arab Emirates. These partnerships are crucial for amassing the financial and logistical support necessary to bring his vision to fruition.

  • Previous Controversies and Ventures: Altman's current endeavor is set against a backdrop of previous chip-related ventures and controversies, including his investments in AI chip startups and efforts to secure funding for ambitious projects like the code-named "Tigris," aimed at competing with Nvidia.

The Implications:

  • Disrupting the AI Chip Market: Altman's project has the potential to disrupt the current AI chip market dynamics, challenging Nvidia's dominance and introducing new competitive pressures that could spur innovation and diversification in AI chip technologies.

  • Expanding AI Infrastructure: By significantly increasing the global capacity for AI chip production, Altman's initiative addresses a critical bottleneck in the AI industry, potentially accelerating the development and deployment of AI technologies across various sectors.

  • Economic and Strategic Implications: The scale and ambition of Altman's project highlight the strategic importance of semiconductor technology in the global economy and the AI industry. Successful execution of this initiative could reshape the geopolitical and economic landscape of technology, underscoring the critical role of AI infrastructure in maintaining economic competitiveness in the digital age.


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AI Love Story: Welcome to the Cyber Age!

Imaged: DALL·E 3

In the digital age, the pursuit of love has been transformed by the advent of AI, challenging traditional norms and introducing new possibilities. The story of Aleksandr Zhadan and Karina Vyalshakaeva exemplifies this modern tale of romance, where AI becomes an integral part of their journey to finding love.

The Details:

  • The Beginning: Aleksandr, a resident of Moscow, turned to OpenAI's GPT models to sift through the complexities of online dating. By programming the AI to interact with over 5,000 women on Tinder, he embarked on a unique quest for companionship, automating conversations and even date scheduling.

  • The Connection: Among thousands of digital interactions, one stood out. Aleksandr and Karina's relationship blossomed from these AI-mediated beginnings, evolving from screen-based chats to a meaningful real-life connection. Despite the unconventional start, their bond grew stronger, rooted in genuine affection and mutual understanding.

  • The Revelation: The transition from AI interactions to human connection was marked by a significant revelation. Karina learned that her initial conversations with Aleksandr were facilitated by AI. Far from being upset, she appreciated the creativity and effort behind Aleksandr's approach, showcasing a modern perspective on technology's role in personal relationships.

Aleksandr and Karina's love story marks a pivotal point in the narrative of modern romance, illustrating how AI can serve as a bridge to human connection. Their journey from digital dialogues to a real-world relationship underscores the evolving dynamics of love in the cyber age. As technology continues to permeate every facet of life, stories like theirs prompt us to reconsider the essence of human connection and the myriad ways it can manifest in the era of artificial intelligence.


World's potential third-largest copper mine is AI-powered in Zambia.

Imaged: Donat Sorokin\TASS

The discovery of potentially the world’s third-largest copper mine in Zambia by KoBold Metals, a startup backed by notable figures like Bill Gates, signifies a major development in the global copper industry. This breakthrough, achieved through the use of artificial intelligence in mineral exploration, underscores the transformative impact of technology on natural resource discovery and extraction.

The Details:

  • Significant Discovery: KoBold Metals has identified substantial copper deposits at the Mingomba project in Zambia, indicating a mine that could surpass major operations in terms of copper grade.

  • Global Ranking: The Zambian mine is projected to be among the world’s largest, with an estimated production of 500,000 to 600,000 metric tons of copper annually, positioning it alongside giants like Escondida in Chile and Grasberg in Indonesia.

  • Investment and Backing: The project is supported by significant investment from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, with stakeholders including Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, highlighting the role of high-profile investments in pioneering green-energy initiatives.

The Implications:

  • Innovation in Exploration: The use of AI by KoBold Metals represents a paradigm shift in how mineral exploration is conducted, allowing for more efficient, precise, and less invasive methods to locate valuable resources.

  • Economic Impact: The discovery in Zambia could nearly double the country's copper production, significantly boosting the economy and moving Zambia towards its ambitious target of producing three million tons of copper by 2031.

  • Sustainable Mining Practices: The integration of AI in mining operations promises to enhance sustainability, reducing environmental impact through more targeted exploration and potentially streamlining operations to minimize waste and energy consumption.


Sam Altman reviews Vision Pro - OpenAI CEO Sam Altman praises Apple's new Vision Pro as the second most impressive tech since the iPhone, potentially ranking OpenAI's ChatGPT as the first. Despite critiquing the product's name, Altman's positive views coincide with the release of ChatGPT for Vision OS. Despite its high price of $3,500, the Vision Pro is selling well, with over 200,000 units moved since its launch.

Grammarly layoffs - Grammarly announced a layoff of 230 employees globally due to organizational restructuring aimed at advancing its AI-powered workplace. Despite strong finances, the restructuring involves redefining roles and consolidating teams for better collaboration. Affected employees will get severance and health benefits. The move reflects industry changes and a strategic pivot towards the AI era. This follows Grammarly's significant growth and a $200 million funding round in 2021 for AI investment. Other tech firms have also recently reduced their workforces.

Friar transforms into Vatican's AI expert - Friar Paolo Benanti, the Vatican and Italian government's A.I. ethics advisor, contemplates the moral dilemmas posed by technology's rapid progress. He engages in discussions with leaders, contributes to policy, and raises concerns about A.I.'s societal impact, advocating for global governance to prevent social collapse.

Windows 12 canceled - Microsoft has debunked speculation about Windows 12 by announcing that the next major update, dubbed Windows 11 24H2, will come in 2024 with a focus on AI integration. Contrary to previous patterns, this update will be the only major release for the year, moving away from the frequent update cycle. This decision likely stems from a desire to maintain a unified Windows user base, especially as Windows 11 has yet to surpass Windows 10 in popularity.

London Underground tests AI for real-time crime detection - London Underground trialed AI surveillance at Willesden Green Tube station to detect criminal activity and safety incidents using CCTV. During the year-long test, 44,000 behavioral alerts were issued, aiding in real-time responses. Despite AI errors and privacy concerns, TfL aims to expand the technology after reviewing trial results and conducting community consultations.

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